Teacher Training
Media & Communications Management
This one of a kind programme helps head of schools and educators in direct contact with the public and the media to better prepare and manage their external communications. The programme is structured in 2 parts- the first part includes communications skills training for the public and media, followed by the latter part which will include speaking in front of the camera skills. In this highly hands-on workshop, participants will be prepared on how to face the camera and how to deal with difficult questions whilst maintaining fair and appropriate response to the media and public.
- How to engage with the media and leverage with confidence to achieve positive outcomes.
- How to develop effective messages in communications.
- How to work with the media to promote intended messages, especially in issues management and crisis communications
- How to assess reputation impact and manage reports and comments on social media.
Relating Well with Parents
Teachers’ duties go beyond the classroom. From student learning and discipline to communicating with parents, teachers have to be on the ball. This programme gives special tips on how to deal with troublesome students and how to communicate progress and problems with parents in a manner that is elegant, non threatening, hopeful and forward looking. BAFEL’s tried and tested programme with teachers is extremely popular and will also cover special language skills which teachers can use to diffuse tension (if any) to any situation.
- How to manage a parent’s expectations.
- How to communicate a child’s progress or any problems with a parent.
- How to use language which is encouraging and forward looking.
- How to adopt a collaborative approach with a parent.
- How to use simple and effective mindfulness and student development tools to help students.
Public Speaking & Presentation Skills (for classroom and outside)
An effective teacher is an excellent communicator and therefore thinks about improving his or her presentation skills. One of the most important aspects of communicating is shaping both content and style to fit your audience. In the classroom, if you cannot communicate in a way that is both comprehensible and interesting to your students, their learning will be greatly reduced. BAFEL’s programme gives participants a chance to analyse their own presentation styles and sharpen their skills. Powerful techniques used by Ted Talk and world renowned speakers will be taught.
- Find out all you can about the room in which you will be presenting
- How to use the classroom as a stage.
- What does preparation entail
- Dale Carnegie’s public speaking tips and tricks
- How to modulate the tone, pitch, and speed of your speech.
- How to use gestures and facial expressions to help you explain, emphasize, and communicate the material.
- How to develop charisma in front of your audience
- How to show passion and enthusiasm for the topic.
- How to avoid reading from slides and notes
- Ted Talk speaking style and its relevance amongst young learners
- How to incorporate technology into your presentation to keep your audience engaged and motivated in the topic
- How to inject dramatics into your presentation to impress your audience
Singlish To English
Gostan! Very laychey lah! Do these sound familiar? In 2000, the Singapore government launched the widely-debated Speak Good English Movement to encourage Singaporeans to speak proper, standard English instead of Singlish. Whilst it is important to maintain one’s linguistic culture and identity through the use of English, it is equally important to be able to stand on the international stage and communicate intelligibly and coherently in standard English. This is perhaps the most insightful and entertaining programme which will make participants laugh and learn at the same time. Historical roots of Singlish phrases will also be uncovered to give participants the context. Through this programme, participants will learn the importance of standard English, how to communicate clearly and effectively, how to pronounce correctly and how to codeswitch when and where necessary. This programme is particularly important for teachers of the English language and people who face the public and media.
- Awareness of Singlish and where it has come from.
- How to appreciate Singlish as a creole or offshoot of standard English with its own Singaporeanisms.
- How to reframe word patterns from Singlish to English.
- How to code switch effectively without sounding pretentious.
- How to maintain a neutral accent.
Junior Philosophy for Students (JPS)
The Junior Philosophy for Students (JPS) programme is for English language teachers/educators looking to inject a new and holistic dimension to English language teaching. This is a unique initiative and one of its kind in Singapore. Having a strong foothold in the UK for many decades with proven results of improving student’s thinking and critical inquiry skills, in the JPS programme, educators learn how to push students to the edge to think critically, ask essential questions and be able to engage with students with a very open mind. Educators will approach academic and real-life matters from a philosophical perspective which will cover truth, lies, facts, virtues, rules, norms, predictions in both reading and writing formats. This is an eye opening programme for educators and a thoroughly unique way of looking at life, living and education for students. The programme will also aid educators on how to incorporate philosophy in the curriculum to get students thinking and realise the direct benefits it has on general classroom learning.
- Learn to develop students’ cognitive ability.
- Learn to develop critical reasoning skills and dialogue in the classroom.
- How to achieve confidence, communication and concentration from students through philosophy.
- Understand how practical philosophical thinking can aid one’s life beyond the classroom.