Film & Media
Broadcast Journalism
Until recently, children have been a wildly underserved demographic when it comes to age-appropriate news. Participants will present their a short news bulletin, no longer than 10 minutes, covering the day’s headlines or new stories they are passionate about. BAFEL’s unique programme aims to satisfy curiosities about the world by offering news round-ups without opinion or political, religious or cultural bias. They will be taught the key ingredients on news gathering, story angling, target audience, news language, English language skills, presentation skills, being camera-ready, camera angling and having a neutral voice. At the end of the programme, participants end up having a critical mind about what they have seen, read and/or heard.
- Understand the structure of a news report
- Know how to present in front of the camera
- How to look and present confidently
- How to think critically
- How to come up with news angles
- Understand the importance of 5Ws and 1H
- How to maintain a neutral voice
- How to maintain professionalism
Radio Journalism
BAFEL’s radio journalism course provides students with an opportunity to develop and apply specialised skills in radio news journalism. It also enables students to develop an in-depth understanding of the media environment in Singapore and around the world. Essential skills will be covered in intensive workshops and students will get a chance to present their news pieces. Voice, the use of language, story angling, the use of grammatical English, communicating with the audience, being aware of structure and timeliness are some of the segments which will form a major part of this programme.
- Plan, write and present a radio news bulletins
- Discuss key professional issues relevant to the radio news environment
- Work cooperatively and effectively as a team member
- Develop a neutral and professional ‘radio voice’.
- Exercise critical thinking skills to analyse information and make judgements on news value
- Learn the right use of grammar and vocabulary when reporting a news story on radio
- How radio language differs from TV and print
Junior Journalist
Everyday we are bombarded by the news, mostly fake and some real. What differentiates fake news from real news? How does one report an incident or event neutrally? Must all news be taken seriously? These are some of the questions which will be explored in this programme designed for participants curious to find out about the inner workings of the world of newsmaking. Participants learn language skills, structure, confidence, story writing, angling, presentation skills and critical thinking skills during this programme.
- Understand the world of journalism
- Understand how to communicate with your target audience
- Learn how to write news reports and stories
- Use effective grammar and vocabulary
- Learn critical thinking skills
TV Presenter
BAFEL’s TV presenting course is designed by professionals and will not only give participants an insight into the world of TV presenting but also equip them with all the tools and tricks. Additionally, participants will learn fundamental technical skills required to deliver a confident, nerve-free and powerful performance. Throughout the programme, inspirations will be drawn from world famous news channels, TV shows and Vlogs.
- Learn how to handle nerves and appear confident
- Learn how to articulate well
- Learn poise and non verbal skills
- Understand your target audience
- Understand the channel’s signature/USP
- How to structure a coherent delivery
- How to think on your feet
Vlogging & Blogging
From Facebook, Youtube, private websites to Instagram, everyone is turning into micro blogging. The power of information in bite-sized portions is unprecedented and participants will learn how to bolster their online presence through meaningful engagement on these platforms by creating information, value adding and enlightening content. This programme will hand hold participants on how to create a successful online vlog and/or blog.
- Learn online social media etiquette
- Learn how to choose a subject and create content in a timely manner
- Understand the power of social media
- How to ‘speak’ to your target audience
- How to speak confidently
You & Youtube
The three most important things are- start a channel, find a niche, and post consistently. The big question is how. BAFEL’s programme will cover various aspects of content creation for an online audience of potentially billions of people. Creating your own channel is never an easy feat and through this programme, participants will unpack how Youtube works and how they can make it work for them.
- How to create a Youtube channel
- How to focus on a subject matter that is beneficial, value adding and enlightening
- Understand the purpose of your channel- inform, educate or entertain?
- How to speak clearly and charismatically