Corporate segment

Customer Service Skills
This training is specifically designed to develop the participants’ skills and behaviours to offer exceptional customer service. It also empowers participants to provide effective solutions to customer facing problems, when they arise. BAFEL’s comprehensive programme provides a depth of personal insight and enhance participants’ ability to understand what makes excellent service. It will equip participants with the skills to effectively resolve difficult situations with unhappy customers, all while remaining professional, clear, sympathetic and calm.
- Learn to adopt a consistent, professional communication style when speaking with customers
- Develop skills in engaging with customers and handling their enquiries effectively
- Listen effectively
- Learn to ask the right questions and summarise to respond fully to a customer request
- Identify ways to add value to customer relationships and exceed expectations
- Practise how to turn customer service disappointment into a positive experience
- Learn how to deal with difficult customers
- Recognise the opportunity provided by complaints to your organisation
- Personal action plan beyond the programme
- Identify the threats of perceived poor service and the opportunities of perceived excellent service
- Understand what makes truly excellent customer service (internal and external) and review how your organisation is performing in specific areas
- Identify how your beliefs impact on your interactions with customers
- Discover the Customer Recovery Loop – avoiding the biggest mistake in customer service
- Understand the positive intention behind challenging behaviour from customers
Business & Professional English
Ever been to a shop or restaurant and experienced frustration from customers due to the lack of English language skills? This course is designed for individuals who want to be able to communicate basic English with customers in English-speaking and international environments. It will cover basic grammar, vocabulary, vocal techniques, social skills, etiquette and customer service skills. This is the perfect starting point for any new entrant to the workforce lacking English and communication skills
- Communicate with confidence
- Learn how to listen effectively
- Learn how to ask questions
- Learn basic English skills
Voice & Accent Training
Your voice not only delivers your message – it can say a lot about you. In the professional world, people make judgements based on the way you communicate; in short, your professional success can depend on your speaking skills. Our voice training programme is for anyone who needs to be a successful communicator but who feels that one or more aspects of their speech prevent them fully achieving this. Globally, people from a wide range of professions have taken voice training, including executives, politicians, lawyers, sales personnel, consultants, doctors, academics and call centre staff. BAFEL’s voice training programme is designed for proficient English language speakers who want to sharpen and smarten their accent
- How to articulate effectively
- How to modulate tone and pitch
- How and when to change the rate of speaking
- How to use eye contact in a conversation
- How to breathe and hold your body
- How to position your tongue when speaking
- How to recognise Received Pronunciation (RP) sounds and copy them
- How to read, recognise and use the phonetics and phonemic symbols
- How to make small talk by asking questions
Negotiation Skills
BAFEL’s Negotiation Training course is designed to deliver vital negotiation skills, tips and techniques to delegates who need new and different methods to improve and enhance their overall results when negotiating with colleagues, staff members or clients. By developing negotiating skills delegates we will become more confident, assertive, motivated, achieve better working relationships and obtain more win-win deals. By the end of the workshop, participants will become more confident, assertive, motivated, achieve better working relationships and obtain more win-win deals
- Identify objectives and all factors affecting negotiation
- Understand the four phases of effective negotiations
- Understand open and hidden agendas
- Approach, planning and preparation
- How to open effectively
- How to plan workable concessions and alternatives
- How to listen, question and be assertive
- How to create a ‘win-win’ situation
- Learn bargaining skills
Influencing & Persuasion Skills
Persuasion is a critical skill and is essential to manage, inspire, drive and encourage colleagues. This workshop is designed to persuade delegates themselves that they have what it takes and that only practice and experience are needed to reach “black belt” levels. This course designed for managers and professionals will help participants understand how influencing works, provide them with practical tips and techniques to become more influential and help them work on building an effective personal influencing style. As a result, participants can confidently & reliably create a positive, encouraging & supportive atmosphere, motivate with constructive & honest feedback, calm down difficult people, inspire enthusiasm, handle disagreements, be taken seriously, earn trust, respect & cooperation.
- Grow in confidence and feel more empowered during the persuasion process
- Improve considerably your personal persuasion skills
- Be able to understand both the theory and practice of persuasion and use the best combination to achieve optimum results
- Explore what makes a successful persuader and how to practice these skills
- Establish what qualities are needed and how to develop them
- Get to grips with preparing to persuade by building trust and rapport
- Understand the dynamics of Win-Win by appreciating what other people want
- Be able to set clear objectives when seeking to persuade
- Be able to apply the appropriate communication style, depending upon the situation
- Discover how to overcome resistance and deal with difficult counterparties
- Be able to state their case persuasively
- Identify frequently encountered objections
- Accept that you can’t win them all and sometimes you have to lose gracefully
Powerful Presentation Skills
A successful professional is an excellent communicator and therefore thinks about improving his or her presentation skills. One of the most important aspects of communicating is shaping both content and style to fit your audience. In the boardroom, if you cannot communicate in a way that is both comprehensible and interesting to your co-workers, their understanding will be greatly reduced. BAFEL’s programme gives participants a chance to analyse their own presentation styles and sharpen their skills. Powerful techniques used by Ted Talk and world-renowned speakers will be taught
- Find out all you can about the room in which you will be presenting
- How to use the boardroom as a stage.
- What does preparation entail
- Dale Carnegie’s public speaking tips and tricks
- How to modulate the tone, pitch, and speed of your speech.
- How to use gestures and facial expressions to help you explain, emphasize, and communicate the material.
- How to develop charisma in front of your audience
- How to show passion and enthusiasm for the topic.
- How to avoid reading from slides and notes
- Ted Talk speaking style and its relevance amongst young learners
- How to incorporate technology into your presentation to keep your audience engaged and motivated in the topic
- How to inject dramatics into your presentation to impress your audience
Speaking For Sales
How do you get facetime with someone who doesn’t accept sales calls? What is the best way to present the value of your offering? How do you handle price and other objections? The answer to all of these is to use the right language. BAFEL’s highly engaging, practical and results oriented programme will teach participants how to get to the core of the matter in a non threatening manner. Objection handling, the use of sales hypnotic language, persuasive language, show and tell, lead by example and the art of asking the right questions will all be covered in this programme for people in sales
- Learn the sales cycles process
- How to get sales in a step-by-step process
- How to use powerful and hypnotic language
- How to qualify a prospect
- The realities of today’s selling environment
- The nine sales you must make first
- How to write/create a direct value statement
- How to convince your prospect of your claims
- How to finalise transactions (the assumptive close, cement and reinforce the sale, follow up the sale)
- How to use specific words when selling
- Learn universal sales truths
Corporate Role Play
BAFEL is the leading provider of professional actors for corporate role-play training and assessment in Singapore. The programme includes the design and facilitation of role-play workshops and corporate filming. Especially beneficial to client-facing organisations, we transform people’s communication and relationship skills through proven theory and models – practically and experientially. We use the skills of professional business role-players in this process. Our learning-by-doing methodology engages learners allowing them to explore and test different approaches in a safe, yet challenging real-life environment. Participants receive valuable first-person feedback, directly raising their awareness of their interpersonal impact. Most importantly our training will leave a measurable, visible impact throughout your entire organisation.
- Learn, improve or develop upon the skills or competencies necessary for a specific position.
- Develop effective listening skills
- Learn creative problem solving
- Build confidence
Effective Email & Business Writing
Writing business emails is part of almost every role these days. BAFEL’s comprehensive course will give participants complete grounding in this key skill, training them in proven email-writing best practices and techniques. The course tailors the content using real-life examples from participants – so all materials are sector and industry relevant. All aspects of business and email writing will be covered including vocabulary, grammar, structure, tense, logic, etiquette and professionalism
- How to structure emails professionally and logically
- How to avoid embarrassing mistakes
- How to know when email is/isn’t the best solution
- Understand the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation
- How to get the main point up front (and not buried in the detail)
Business Presentation Skills
Presenting in one form or another has become de rigueur and part of business life. The ability to deliver a powerful presentation and influential presentation is increasingly a beneficial skill to have; whether in a formal or informal setting. To be at the top of your game, you must manage the various group dynamics and be able to elicit the most appropriate state in yourself and your audience. BAFEL’s powerful programme incorporates power dressing, some neuro linguistic programming (NLP), sales and persuasive language, stage techniques, vocal variety and confidence building. This course is highly challenging but delivered in a highly supportive and engaging way.
- Find out all you can about the room in which you will be presenting
- How to get people ‘in the room’ and keep them there
- How to quickly build rapport with your audience
- How to use stories and metaphors to connect with your audience
- What does preparation entail
- Dale Carnegie’s public speaking tips and tricks
- How to modulate tone, pitch, and rate of speaking
- How to use gestures and facial expressions to help you explain, emphasize, and communicate the material.
- How to develop charisma in front of your audience
- How to dress powerfully
- How to show passion and enthusiasm for the topic.
- How to avoid reading from slides and notes
- Ted Talk speaking style and its relevance amongst young learners
- How to incorporate technology into your presentation to keep your audience engaged and motivated in the topic
- How to inject dramatics into your presentation to impress your audience
Media Management & Crisis Communication
Crises can put an organization under intense public and media scrutiny. In the same vein, positive news can overwhelm the company. This one-of-a-kind programme helps chairmen, chief executives, heads of business and others better prepare and manage their external communications. The programme is structured in 2 parts- the first part includes communications skills, crises communication, how to face the media, and corporate image management for the public and media, followed by the latter part which will include speaking in front of the camera skills. In this highly hands-on workshop, participants will also learn how to face the camera and how to deal with difficult questions whilst maintaining fair and appropriate response to the media and public.
- How to engage with the media and leverage with confidence to achieve positive outcomes.
- How to engage with the media and manage crises
- How to develop effective and balanced messages in communications.
- How to work with the media to promote intended messages, especially in issues management and crisis communications
- How to assess reputation impact and manage reports and comments on social media.
- How to handle social media for overwhelmingly positive or negative news