The Bard Masterclass: Public Speaking, Presentation and the Art of Storytelling
Persuade, convert and compel – these are powerful attributes of public speakers. In public speaking, argument, ethos and assertion of personality can inspire us into action and belief.

Philosophers’ Round-table: Introduction to Philosophy Part I
Persuade, convert and compel – these are powerful attributes of public speakers. In public speaking, argument, ethos and assertion of personality can inspire us into action and belief.

House of Commons Debating & Persuasion
When students participate in debate, they learn to study issues in depth, form perspectives and make structured, persuasive arguments.

The Global Effect: 360 Communications
The communication age is brimming with success stories, and those who take control of the public stage can develop into influential and powerful characters.

The Writer’s Room
Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning and your intellect will first be judged in life.

Essential Success Grammar Level 1 and Level 2 (Beginners-Advanced: Ages 6 to 10 years)
Challenging and exciting small aptitude-based classes are stimulating for learning and reinforcing essential skills. Open classes are suitable for ages 6-10.

English Mastery and Character Education: K2-P1 Success Specialists’ Program
Breeze successfully into Primary School! Excellence in school can also come with good values.